Photos: The team today

  • Westminster Morris
2013 Day of Dance

Marlboro Morris Ale 2012 (USA)

May 2012 saw us visit the USA as guests at the Marlboro Morris Ale in Vermont.

2009 - Day of Dance

Many photographers were out & about for our Day of Dance in 2009, so we have lots of pictures. All pictures presented here with photographer\'s permission.

2008 Westminster Day of Dance

In 2008 we were joined by photographer Merv Colton, who captured some great images full of personality and life. All images © Merv Colton

2007 Lady Taverners Garden Party

One fine afternoon we were asked to dance at Westminster Abbey School for the Lady Taverners Garden Party, hosted by Judith Chalmers

2007 Baker Street Tour

One of the Wednesday night tours we enjoy is the Baker Street tour. Simon Hepworth captured a few moments for us. All photos © Simon Hepworth 2007

2007 Gloucestershire Tour

In 2007 we toured some fine places in Gloucestershire. Realistically, you could say The Cotswolds, but then that\'d be mixing it up with our Cotswolds Tour, wouldn\'t it?

2006 Day of Dance

A selection of snaps taken in 2006

2006 Vicars and Tarts Tour

One of the tours we sometimes do is Westminster Abbey, followed by Shepherds Market.

Pictures sent in by friends of ours

Some images sent in by people for us to share

2002 - Monkseaton

Every now and again we\'re invited up to join our friends from Whitley Bay, the fine fellows of the Monkseaton Morris Men. 2002 was one such occasion, and here\'s a few happy snaps.

Random Silliness

Well, you know how photo galleries work...

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